Where are Bedbugs Found? Bedbugs, possibly the most annoying thing know to man can live in any area of a home and have the ability to hide just about anywhere. This can include furniture, bedside tables, ensemble bases, clothing, artwork around the edges of carpet and more. These tiny creatures tend to be most common in areas close to where you sleep, however have the ability to travel 15-20 metres to find a blood meal if they are keen. As bedbugs can live for months or even longer under favourable conditions without feeding, they can even be found in vacant homes. Shop Now
Where Do Bed Bugs Hide? | Where do you find them in your home?
Where are Bedbugs Found?
Bedbugs, possibly the most annoying thing know to man can live in any area of a home and have the ability to hide just about anywhere. This can include furniture, bedside tables, ensemble bases, clothing, artwork around the edges of carpet and more. These tiny creatures tend to be most common in areas close to where you sleep, however have the ability to travel 15-20 metres to find a blood meal if they are keen.
As bedbugs can live for months or even longer under favourable conditions without feeding, they can even be found in vacant homes.